The Village of Bergen, just a short drive from Rochester and Batavia, has a strong connection with its past, a clear eye toward its future and a deep sense of place. With its many Victorian homes, historic downtown, and sidewalks canopied by old-growth trees, people choose Bergen because they want the kind of life and values that characterize America's small towns.
NEWS you can USE
Notice of Public Hearing
On March 12th the Village Board will host a Public Hearings for Local Law #1 and #2 of 2025 beginning at 6:00pm at the Village Hall. The local laws are to define duties for alternates to the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals. Copies of the local law are available at the Village Office or by click the following links. Local Law #1 and Local Law #2.
Village of Bergen YouTube Channel
The Village has created a YouTube Channel to post videos of all Village meetings, including Board of Trustees, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals. You can go to You Tube and search Village of Bergen, NY or Click This Link.