Municipal Electric Department
Our electric department was established in 1909 and now serves over 600 customers. We purchase power from the New York Power Authority (NYPA) and New York Municipal Power Authority (NYMPA). The village recently received recognition from NYPA for being a municipal electric provider for 100 years.
Reporting an Outage or Emergency
To report an electric outage or emergency, please call (585) 353-0981. (NOTE: This is the cellphone number of the electric system supervisor.)
Outage Updates
During an electric outage, you may call (585) 234-1454 for a recorded update on the situation.
Streetlight Problems
To report a problem with a streetlight, please call (585) 494-1513. Please be prepared to report the closest street address to the affected streetlight.
Metering and Billing
Your electric meter is read monthly by our electric department employees, utilizing AMR (automated meter reading) technology. Your meter communicates with our employee's hand held scanner and the readings are downloaded to the Village's billing software.
Occasionally residents ask to have their meters checked for accuracy, at which time one of our electric employees travel to the Village of Spencerport to use their tester. To date all meters have proven to be within the established parameters set by the Public Service Commission.
Bills are mailed at the end of the month and due without penalty by the 14th of the following month. After that date a late charge of 1.5% is applied. The bill you receive is for the prior month's usage; thus a bill dated the end of March is for electricity used in February.
Paying Your Bill
The Village of Bergen currently offers five ways to pay your utility bills:
- Pay online through our Utility Payment Portal
- Mail to PO Box 100 Bergen, NY 14416
- Use the secure drop box near the front door of the Village Office at 11 N Lake Ave.
- Pay in person at the Village Office, Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30
- Automatic withdrawal from your bank account. Call the Village Office at (585) 494-1513 to set up this option.
Trouble Paying Your Bill?
If you are experiencing difficulties paying your electric bills or have received notice of disconnect due to lack of payment, please contact the Village Office at (585) 494-1513. A payment plan may be available to help you.
New York State provides assistance in the form of the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), which helps low-income people pay the cost of heating their homes. If you are eligible, you may receive one regular HEAP benefit per program year and could also be eligible for emergency HEAP benefits if you are in danger of running out of fuel or having your utility service shut off.
Disconnection is regulated and monitored by the New York State Public Service Commission. The PSC's consumer website provides a plain-language explanation of the Home Energy Fair Practices Act (HEFPA). Click here to learn more.
PPAC - Purchase Power Adjustment Calculation
The Village of Bergen is one of only 43 municipalities in the state that has a Municipal Electric Department and a contract that allows us to purchase hydro power, which is the cheapest power available. The Village is limited in the amount of hydro power that we are allowed to purchase. Any electric purchased over the limit is supplemented by power purchased from NYMPA and is much more expensive. The PPAC rate reflects the amount of the supplemental power purchased plus charges for transmitting the power, ancillary charges, and loss factors. In the summer months the electric demand is higher so we are forced to purchase more supplemental power which raises the PPAC.
The Village of Bergen Electric is regulated by the Public Service Commission and they continually monitor our calculations and collection of these charges.
Electric Customer Complaints
For consumer complaints that cannot be resolved with the Village, you may contact the New York Department of Public Service (DPS). DPS complaints may be directed as follows: Website:; Phone: DPS HOTLINE at 1-800-342-3355 (M-Th 7:30am-7:30pm, F 7:30am- 7:00pm); or Mail: Office of Consumer Services, NYS Department of Public Service, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223